My Food Diary


Weight Control

Start Taking Responsibility for Your Weight

Weight control is a problem for many dieters, but how much of this problem is the fault of the dieter? Yes I know there are people out there who have problems with their weight due to a health condition, but what about the rest of the dieters? Why are they overweight?

In order to get thin and stay thin, one has to first take accountability for getting and being overweight. To put it bluntly, unless you have a medical condition, being overweight is your fault. That may sound harsh and in your face, but it’s time to be honest with yourself; how did you let yourself get to your undesired weight?

In my article Don’t Be Afraid to Weigh Yourself, I mentioned how thin people are extremely cautious about gaining weight. There’s no such thing with a thin person to go from 130lbs to 140lbs and then to 160, 180, or over 200lbs because they lack weight control. Thin people are always in control of their weight.

That’s why I say being overweight is mainly the fault of the dieter because again to be frank, at what point did you realize you were overweight? By no means am I trying to make anyone feel bad about themselves or to point fingers, but what I am saying is that if you can accept being overweight as being your fault, you will be half way there to getting the body you want and finally have weight control. Honest!
For your next step, start getting proactive about stopping additional weight gain. Again, thin people are always, always in control of their weight. Now it’s time for you to have weight control too. While there will be things in life you can’t control, you can control your weight like being meticulous about what you put into your mouth and control the number of times you exercise per week.

Do you have to become a slave to the gym or fitness? Of course not. However, if you led an inactive lifestyle for many years, you will now need to do some form of physical activity regularly in order to slim down. With that said, workout with a fitness routine at your own pace and be realistic about how much weight you can expect to lose weekly.

Don’t fool yourself into exercising 5-6 days per week if you know you won’t stick with it or fool yourself into thinking you can lose 10 pounds in a week or lose 20 pounds in a month. If you can honestly only workout 2-3 days per week, that’s OK.

You will still lose weight, but it might take you a little longer to slim down to the size you want. Big deal. The key here is to not lose weight quickly, but to lose weight naturally and again, at your own pace so you are not stressing or obsessing about losing weight.

If you can lose weight naturally through eating healthy, counting calories, and exercising, you will be more successful at keeping the weight off long term. Dieters who rely on diet pills and extreme fad diets to slim down and get thin will only set themselves up for failure. Sure they may have some weight loss at first, but it will only temporary.

To lose weight for good and finally have weight control, you will need to make eating healthy and physical fitness a part of your new lifestyle. It’s that simple. Once you can commit to a lifestyle that’s healthy and adopt a habit or two from thin people, slimming down and getting the body you want won’t be so hard. I promise!

Good Luck!

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