My Food Diary


Weighing Yourself

Don't Be Afraid to Weigh Yourself

Are you afraid of weighing yourself because you fear to acknowledge how much you truly weigh or fear you didn’t lose any weight while dieting? Getting on the scale is important if you are searching for the weight loss secrets of thin people and wish to figure out how thin people always manage to stay thin.

In my article Secrets of Thin People, one of the habits that thin people practice is weighing themselves on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, thin people weigh themselves weekly, if not a few times per week. The reason why thin people weigh themselves so often is because they are very cautious about gaining weight.

If a thin person notices that he or she has gained weight, they don’t just sit around and do nothing while they gain even more weight year after year. Thin people take immediate action fast to lose the extra pounds because they are always in constant control of their weight. That’s the weight loss secret of thin people and how they stay thin.

When to Weigh Yourself

The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning on an empty stomach to get an idea of how much you really weigh (I like using a digital scale). As you embark on the road to fitness to get the body you want, take a tip from thin people and get into the habit of weighing yourself regularly.

What you don’t want to do here is get obsessed about your weight and start weighing yourself every day. Weighing yourself once or twice a week is more than enough. If you are afraid to get on the scale because you feel you might get discouraged, then weigh yourself every other week. However, the idea is to weigh yourself regularly and make it a habit.

How to Get Thin

As much as I hate to say it, while you are working out with a
weight loss workout plan and counting calories to lose weight, there may be times when you will notice that you haven’t lost any weight. This is nothing to get upset about or to get discouraged because actually that’s great news. How is not losing weight great news as you try to achieve your weight loss goals? Well…you didn’t gain any weight right?

One of the main reasons why a person is overweight is because they are not in control of their weight. By monitoring and weighing yourself on a regular basis, this will put you in the position of controlling your weight because you will be one of the few dieters who have made a point to stop weight gain.

Even if you do gain a few pounds as you try to lose weight, just keep doing what you are doing like being consistent with your workouts, counting calories, and watching what you eat. Eventually, you will start to see the numbers on the scale get lower and lower and you will achieve your weight loss goals.
Remember…weigh yourself regularly and get in control of your weight. That’s the weight loss secret of thin people and how to can get thin and stay thin.
Good Luck!

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