My Food Diary


Secrets of Thin People

Learn The Secrets on How To Get Thin!

Secret #1: Thin People Watch What they Eat
Yes it's true, thin people can typically eat whatever they want. However, thin people are mindful of the types of foods they eat and they know how to eat in moderation. Likewise, thin people don’t “diet” because thin people know that diets don’t work. If you want to lose weight and get thin, start by making a conscious effort of what you eat and choose to eat healthier meals. Now…of course you can eat a cheeseburger and fries here and there, but just don't do so 3 or 4 times a week. Healthier meal choices and moderation are key to getting slim.

Secret #2: Thin People Monitor Their Weight
Thin people are very, very observant of their weight and they set maximum weight limits for themselves to ensure that they don’t become overweight. For example, say you are a 5'7" female and weigh 150lbs. The "maximum" weight you may allow yourself to weigh is 160lbs. If you go over 160lbs, then you know you will have to take the necessary steps to get back down to 150lbs or at least under 160lbs. By setting a maximum weight limit for yourself, you can keep a very close eye on your weight and make sure that you don’t gain any extra pounds. Therefore, make it a regular habit to weigh yourself on a scale several times a month. This is one of the main secrets of thin people because thin people are always in control of their weight. Don't let your weight control you. Control your weight like a thin person!

Secret #3: Thin People Exercise on a Regular Basis
I am not referring to the gym buffs who workout 7 days a week and are obsessed with their bodies. I’m simply talking about moderate exercise. This can range anywhere from going to the gym for 45 minutes to just taking a leisure walk to the grocery store. The point is, thin people on average are always doing some type of physical activity at least 2-3 times per week. If you want to get thin fast, start doing some form of a weight loss workout plan and make it part of your regular lifestyle.

Secret #4: Thin People Don’t Skip Meals
As I stated earlier, diets don’t work. The reason why I’m mentioning it again is because dieters have a tendency to skip meals when they actually need to eat more meals, like 5-6 smaller meals a day, in order to lose weight. At the very least, make sure you eat 3 meals throughout the day and never, ever skip breakfast. Thin people always eat breakfast in the morning. Whether it is a cup of yogurt, a small bowl of cereal, or a piece of fruit. Therefore, always eat breakfast in the morning and never skip a meal to achieve you weight lost goals.

Secret #5: Thin People Drink More Water
If you really want to lose weight fast, then drink more water. Thin people are always drinking water or carrying a bottle of water with them. Yeah sure thin people drink soda and juice, but they often select water as their beverage option because soda and juice are loaded with sugar and extra unnecessary calories. Those extra calories can add up and thin people know all too well that consuming too much calories can lead weight gain. If you find water too bland, add a wedge of lemon or lime to your water to give it a citrus flavor.

Secret #6: Thin People Don’t Keep Junk Food in the House
When it comes to eating habits of thin people, moderation is the biggest key to staying slim and trim. With that said, thin people make it a habit not to keep junk food in the house. You won’t find cookies, cake, potato chips, chocolate, ice cream, or soda stocked in the refrigerator or cupboards of thin people. They simply just don't have those types of foods lying around the house where it is easily accessible. Refer back to secrets #1 & #2. Thin people are very conscious about what they eat and conscious about weight gain. Eating healthy to lose weight is the key to your success!

Secret #7: Thin People Don’t Buy Bigger Clothes When They Gain Weight
I personally think this is the main secret of thin people. They don’t buy bigger clothes when they gain weight! Think about it for a moment. Do you think a size 16 person always wore a size 16? I’m sure they were once a size 14, a size 12, a size 10....see what I am saying? Remember, thin people set maximum weight limits for themselves. If they gain weight and can’t fit into their clothes, they don’t go out and buy bigger clothes. Thin people stop weight gain in its tracks and lose the extra pounds so they can fit back into their original clothing. As I mentioned, thin people don’t allow themselves to gain extra unwanted weight because thin people are always in control of their weight.

If you are serious about losing weight then start eating healthier meals, adopt a moderate weight loss workout plan, and set a maximum weight limit for yourself in order to STOP gaining weight.

Follow these 7 secrets of thin people and you too will learn how to get thin and stay thin as part of a healthier body and lifestyle.

Here's 5 More Secrets of Thin People!

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