My Food Diary


Diet Plans to Lose Weight Fast

Create Your Own Diet Plan To Lose Weight!

If you are looking for a diet plan to lose weight fast, why not try putting together your own diet plan? If you are like many dieters, this is probably not the first time you have been on a diet to lose weight. However, don’t blame yourself if you tired other diets and failed.  Blame diets in general because the fact of the matter is diets don’t work. One reason why diets don’t work is because many diets have a one-size-fits-all approach to losing weight that’s expected to work for everyone. They don’t! Besides, drastically changing your eating habits on a diet plan is like asking a cigarette smoker to quit smoking cold turkey. It’s hard and this is why many people who try to lose weight on diets fail.

A healthy diet plan to lose weight can be more successful if you create your own diet plan. Obviously, you will need to change “some” of the foods you eat to lose weight because it was the unhealthy foods that caused you to gain weight in the first place. However, it still would be easier and beneficial to create your own healthy meal plan because it will be based around on the foods you like to eat and are accustomed to. The trick is to select healthier foods choices, eat the foods you like in moderation, count calories, avoid skipping meals like breakfast, and sticking to a workout plan to achieve your weight loss goals.
If creating your own diet plan to lose weight sounds absurd, it’s not and actually may be more realistic to get the body you want. For example, maybe rice is a big part of your diet due to your cultural background. Clearly, a diet plan like the Atkins Diet would be a big no-no because carbohydrates are restricted. However, if you love rice I say eat it, but just do so in moderation like by cutting back on the number of times you eat rice per week or simply eating smaller portions of rice during your meals while increasing lean meats and vegetables. Likewise, if fried food is a big part of your diet due to your cultural background, again, eat it in moderation and also try to limit fired foods to  1-2 times per week. No need to eliminate the foods you love completely, just tweak your diet here and there to create healthier meals. By doing so, you are putting together a healthy diet to lose weight that’s right for you. Otherwise, how can anyone be successful and lose weight on diets that drastically change the way one eats? Makes sense?
If you had trouble with diets in the past, I say give it a try and customize your own healthy meal plans based on the foods you like to eat. If by chance you do need assistance choosing healthier meal options, then try a program like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. These weight loss programs are all about enjoying the foods you love to eat while losing weight successfully.
Good Luck!

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4 Tips to Get Thin Fast

To Get Thin, Follow These Simple Tips to Lose Weight Fast

1. Eat More Meals Throughout the Day
If you are dieter looking for easy ways to lose weight, one thing is for sure-do not skip meals, especially breakfast. The idea of skipping meals so you can eat fewer calories is a myth and won't work because this can cause you to go long periods without eating. Once the body believes that it is not getting enough food, it will be difficult to lose weight because your body is trying to maintain Homeostasis, meaning metabolic equilibrium. Therefore, if you want to lose weight fast, then you need to eat more meals, not "more food", throughout the day.

Try eating between 5-6 smaller meals a day to help keep your metabolism up and burn more calories (the process of breaking down foods burns calories!). While eating 5-6 smaller meals may sound simple, the key is to eat the "right" kinds of foods that are low in calories. Once you know how much daily calories you need to eat in order to lose weight, make sure your 5 or 6 meals (including beverages) doesn't go over this amount. If you feel calorie counting is too much of a chore, then try tracking what you eat with the assistance of an online food diary. Dieters who have used food diaries have been extremely successful with their weight loss goals. Not to mention, a food diary helps dieters to be in more control of their weight. If you want to get thin fast, then adopt the secrets of thin people and learn how to control your weight.

2. Incorporate a Workout Plan
You may not be a fan of working out, but the fact of the matter is that in order to drop some weight, you have to eat fewer calories and workout more to burn those extra calories. An exercise plan doesn't have to be difficult and you don't necessarily have to join a gym to get the body you want. A simple activity such as walking is great for a cardiovascular workout plan and is also an easy way to lose weight fast. The key is to be consistent. Working out only a couple of times a month won't help because you have to burn 3500 calories in order to lose 1 lb of fat. Look at it this way, if you spread 3500 calories over 7 days, try to eat 250 calories less per day and burn 250 calories per day to lose 1 lb of fat in a week. Of course the more calories you burn, the more weight you will lose too.

3. Drink More Water
A simple trick to lose weight fast is to drink more water. How easy is that! One way to do this is to substitute fruit juices and soda with water and a wedge of lemon. As you already know, fruit juices and sodas are loaded with sugar and calories that are counterproductive to anyone’s weight loss goals. Having a sugary beverage here and there is fine, but be sure to keep track of the drinks and foods  you eat so you don't go over your caloric intake for the day. If you are having trouble keeping track of what you eat and drink, then take my suggestion and use a food diary. Another trick is to drink a glass of water before every meal. This will help you to feel full and prevent you from overeating. If you cannot lose weight due to overeating, then drinking a full glass of water before each meal is an easy weight loss trick that should help you get results.

4. Brush Your Teeth after Every Snack and Meal
This weight loss trick may sound silly, but it works to help you to get thin fast. When I had braces a few years ago, I went from 130lbs to 120lbs in 6 months. Do you know why? Well for one I had clear braces that easily stained and secondly, I hated getting food in between my braces which meant I always had to brush my teeth. Therefore, if I wanted to snack on chips or a candy bar before a meal, I would ask myself "Do I really want to stain my braces and/or brush my teeth?" The answer was usually no. Try it for yourself! If you brush your teeth and rinse with mouthwash after every meal, you will think twice about snacking on the wrong kinds of foods that do nothing for your but add extra calories.

Good Luck!

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Stop Weight Gain!

Set a Maximum Weight Limit for Yourself and Stop Weight Gain

In my article Secrets of Thin People, I explained that one of the reasons why thin people are thin is because they make it a point to closely watch their weight. Therefore, if you are on a healthy weight loss plan to shed excess pounds, you should be closely watching your weight too if your goal is to get thin fast. With that said, regardless of how much you weigh right now, take this moment to set a maximum weight limit for yourself and stop any type of additional weight gain. Once you do this, you will start behaving like a thin person and will have taken responsibility and control of your weight.

So how does one set a maximum weight limit for themselves? Actually, it's quite simple. For instance, if you are a 5'7" female and weigh 170lbs, but you desire to weigh 130lbs, your maximum weight limit should be 175lbs. Meaning, if by chance you happen to gain any additional weight, the most you will allow yourself to weigh is 175lbs. From there you can focus on losing weight and for each successive weight loss target you hit, be sure you set another maximum weight limit for yourself. Sooner or later you will reach your weight loss goal of 130lbs, or however much you desire to weigh, and now your maximum weight limit will be no more than 5-10lbs above your current weight. If you do go over your set maximum weight limit, simply get back on track with your regular workout plan, make sure you watch what you eat, and be diligent about getting back down to your new weight. Easy enough, right? Remember, thin people stay thin because they watch and control their weight. Once you watch and control weight your weight, slimming down will be less of a challenge.

To get in the habit of monitoring your weight on a regular basis, all you need to do is weigh yourself every week. No need to weigh yourself every day unless you plan on burning 3,500 calories in a day in order to lose 1lb of fat. Now...if you have been eating healthier meals and sticking to an exercise plan, but finding yourself not losing any weight, don't get discourage! This is actually a good thing because it shows that you have stopped gaining additional weight. All you would need to do to lose 1-2lbs a week is make some tweaks to your weight loss plan. One suggestion is to keep a food diary. Many dieters have been extremely successful achieving their weight loss goals with food diaries because a food diary makes calorie counting and keeping track of the foods you eat so much easier. Here are some more suggestions to tweak your weight loss plan:

1. Eat breakfast and don't skip any meals
2. Eat an additional 100 calories less per day
3. Exercise an additional 15-20 minutes during your work out plan
4. Substitute fruit juices and soda for water and lemon
5. Drink a glass of water before each meal

Good Luck!

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Get Thin Fast by Using a Food Diary

Keeping a Food Diary Helps with Weight Loss Goals!

Yes it's true! By keeping a food diary where you track calories and the types of foods you eat, you can get a clear picture of exactly what you put into your mouth and an idea of which foods are causing you weight gain. Research has shown many benefits of food diaries, particularly proven statistics that reveal dieters who kept track of what they ate lost double the weight than dieters who don't. Plus, dieters with food diaries are more successful at maintaining their weight and keeping the weight off permanently.

As part of a healthy weight loss plan, it's important that dieters learn how to portion control and learn how to eat foods that they like in moderation. That means you can still can eat a cheeseburger with fries, potato chips, and ice cream, it's just that you can't eat these types of foods every day and in large portions. It's almost like budgeting money. Have you tried budgeting over a 3-month plan to see where you spend your money? If you did, you may be surprised at how frivolously you wasted money on things you didn’t need. The same applies with losing weight. If you kept a 3-month track of what you ate, what would you find? Do you tend to eat after 10PM? Do you consume 2-3 cans of soda a day? Do you eat when you get sad or bored? Do you overeat mostly at lunchtime? See where I am getting at?

Starting a food diary is as simple as jotting down what you eat in a notebook or by signing up for a food diary online. At first tracking what you eat may seem like a chore, but after awhile you will find this routine to be a critical part of an effective weight loss plan. No more diet's that don't work or skipping meals because once you see how easy it is to keep a food diary, shedding extra pounds will become easier too!

Good luck and check out some of these articles/sites about the benefits of food diaries:

Online Food Diary
Online Food Dairy with Exercise Log and iPhone, iPad, Android, and BlackBerry Calorie Counter
Science Daily: Keeping a Food Diary Doubles Diet Weight Loss
WebMD: Keeping Food Diary Helps Lose Weight Food Diary Works for Weight Loss

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Are You Skipping the Most Important Meal of the Day?

Want to Get Thin? Then Start Eating Breakfast!

One of the ways to get thin fast is to stop skipping meals throughout the day and making sure you eat a sensible breakfast every single morning. The idea of skipping breakfast in order to "save on calories" is a huge myth and counterproductive to anyone's weight loss goals. Think about it for a moment. If your last meal was 7PM the night before and you skip breakfast the next morning, by the time lunch rolls around it would have been 15-17 hours since you last meal! By that time you will be so hungry, you may actually put yourself in the position of overeating and snacking on the wrong kinds of foods where you will find losing weight a bit of a challenge. Besides, skipping breakfast in the morning is bad for your health anyway so why do it when the whole idea of losing weight is to become a healthier you, right? Not to mention, eating breakfast and not skipping meals is a tried and true secret of thin people if you desire to be thin.

If finding the time to eat breakfast in the morning is a problem for you, then try eating foods that you can grab and go like an apple, a banana, a yogurt drink, granola bar, or some trail mix. If you do have some time to eat breakfast, then make sure you eat. It doesn't have to be anything fancy or time consuming. A bowl a cereal, hard boiled eggs, instant oatmeal, or even a parfait are just fine. The point is to fuel your body with food and not go such long periods without eating because when you do, your body thinks it's starving and will fight like heck to hold onto your body fat. Of course, during any type of weight loss plan it's important that you incorporate some type of exercise in order to burn fat calories and see maximum weight loss results.

That's it! A simple get thin tip that shows great results. Once you get into the habit of eating a sensible breakfast every single day, you will find losing weight much more easier.

Good Luck!

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Diets Don't Work!

4 Real Reasons Why Diets Don't Work

Reason #1: Diets are too Restrictive
At first you may be hopeful about starting a new weight loss diet plan, but soon realize that your diet plan is too restrictive that makes sticking to your diet somewhat of a challenge. For example, with the Atkins Diet carbohydrates are a big no-no. On a low calorie diet, your food intake is so low that you feel hungry all the time. With the 3-Day Diet (also a fad diet), you have to follow the diet plan exactly to the point of starvation. Sure you can possibly lose weight being on one of these restrictive diets, but once you are off the diet and return to your old eating habits, you suddenly gain back all the weight you lost and then some. So what do people actually achieve with being on a restrictive diet? Nothing, because these types of diets don’t teach people how to eat healthy as a new way of life. Eating healthier to lose weight and stay thin this are well known secrets of thin people.

Reason #2: Diets Can Cause People to Lose too Much Weight too Fast
Fad diets like the 3-Day Diet claim you can lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days if you meticulously follow through the strict regimen precisely. Sounds great to most dieters, but rapid weight loss in a short period of time is really not that good for your health; especially if you continue on such diet plans for added extreme weight loss. Again, once you stop the dieting without making any real changes to your eating habits, the weight you lost can possibly come back. Besides, one does not gain 10-20 pounds in a week, so how can one expect to lose that much weight within the same time frame? Not very realistic is it?

Reason #3: Diet Plans Work Differently for Different People
I once had an overweight friend who lost over 50 pounds on the Atkins diet and I will have to say that she looked AMAZING! On the other hand, one of my other overweight friends tried the same diet and she barely lost 5 pounds, let alone stick with the Atkins diet because she found the diet plan too restrictive. As expected, she gave up on the Atkins diet and tried to do some other diet plan which of course, she never lost any real significant weight. See the problem with many of these popular and fad diets and why diets don't work? They have a one-size-fit-all system of losing weight that’s expected to work for everyone. While a weight loss diet plan may work for you, that same diet plan may not work for your best friend or even your sister. In the long run, my friend that lost the 50 pounds eventually gained back all the weight within 6 months. My other overweight friend, well…she’s on an endless cycle of yo-yo diets and is still overweight.

Reason # 4: Dieting Requires Drastic Changes in your Eating Habits
Making drastic changes to your eating habits is by far the main reason why diets don’t work. For one, people have to get themselves out of the mind frame that they have to “diet” in order to lose weight. Once more, and I will say it again, if people are not going to adhere to their new diet plan as a permanent lifestyle, dieting simply won’t work. In order to be successful at losing weight people have to: 1) change their eating habits by eating healthier meals 2) integrate a
weight loss workout plan into their daily lives

Learning to change your eating habits as part of a healthy lifestyle is something that has to be done with commitment. What’s more, if you think rapid weight loss in a short period of time is realistic, then right there that should tell you that no diet will ever work for you and you will have set yourself up for failure. Therefore, your goal should be to lose 1-2 pounds per week and learn how to eat healthier meals. Now...if you have over 30 pounds or more to lose then the idea of losing 1 or 2 pounds per week may seem daunting. However, if you stick with it and lose the weight gradually, not only will you be successful at meeting your weight loss goals, but you will be successful at keeping the weight off long term.

Good luck!

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Secrets of Thin People

Learn The Secrets on How To Get Thin!

Secret #1: Thin People Watch What they Eat
Yes it's true, thin people can typically eat whatever they want. However, thin people are mindful of the types of foods they eat and they know how to eat in moderation. Likewise, thin people don’t “diet” because thin people know that diets don’t work. If you want to lose weight and get thin, start by making a conscious effort of what you eat and choose to eat healthier meals. Now…of course you can eat a cheeseburger and fries here and there, but just don't do so 3 or 4 times a week. Healthier meal choices and moderation are key to getting slim.

Secret #2: Thin People Monitor Their Weight
Thin people are very, very observant of their weight and they set maximum weight limits for themselves to ensure that they don’t become overweight. For example, say you are a 5'7" female and weigh 150lbs. The "maximum" weight you may allow yourself to weigh is 160lbs. If you go over 160lbs, then you know you will have to take the necessary steps to get back down to 150lbs or at least under 160lbs. By setting a maximum weight limit for yourself, you can keep a very close eye on your weight and make sure that you don’t gain any extra pounds. Therefore, make it a regular habit to weigh yourself on a scale several times a month. This is one of the main secrets of thin people because thin people are always in control of their weight. Don't let your weight control you. Control your weight like a thin person!

Secret #3: Thin People Exercise on a Regular Basis
I am not referring to the gym buffs who workout 7 days a week and are obsessed with their bodies. I’m simply talking about moderate exercise. This can range anywhere from going to the gym for 45 minutes to just taking a leisure walk to the grocery store. The point is, thin people on average are always doing some type of physical activity at least 2-3 times per week. If you want to get thin fast, start doing some form of a weight loss workout plan and make it part of your regular lifestyle.

Secret #4: Thin People Don’t Skip Meals
As I stated earlier, diets don’t work. The reason why I’m mentioning it again is because dieters have a tendency to skip meals when they actually need to eat more meals, like 5-6 smaller meals a day, in order to lose weight. At the very least, make sure you eat 3 meals throughout the day and never, ever skip breakfast. Thin people always eat breakfast in the morning. Whether it is a cup of yogurt, a small bowl of cereal, or a piece of fruit. Therefore, always eat breakfast in the morning and never skip a meal to achieve you weight lost goals.

Secret #5: Thin People Drink More Water
If you really want to lose weight fast, then drink more water. Thin people are always drinking water or carrying a bottle of water with them. Yeah sure thin people drink soda and juice, but they often select water as their beverage option because soda and juice are loaded with sugar and extra unnecessary calories. Those extra calories can add up and thin people know all too well that consuming too much calories can lead weight gain. If you find water too bland, add a wedge of lemon or lime to your water to give it a citrus flavor.

Secret #6: Thin People Don’t Keep Junk Food in the House
When it comes to eating habits of thin people, moderation is the biggest key to staying slim and trim. With that said, thin people make it a habit not to keep junk food in the house. You won’t find cookies, cake, potato chips, chocolate, ice cream, or soda stocked in the refrigerator or cupboards of thin people. They simply just don't have those types of foods lying around the house where it is easily accessible. Refer back to secrets #1 & #2. Thin people are very conscious about what they eat and conscious about weight gain. Eating healthy to lose weight is the key to your success!

Secret #7: Thin People Don’t Buy Bigger Clothes When They Gain Weight
I personally think this is the main secret of thin people. They don’t buy bigger clothes when they gain weight! Think about it for a moment. Do you think a size 16 person always wore a size 16? I’m sure they were once a size 14, a size 12, a size 10....see what I am saying? Remember, thin people set maximum weight limits for themselves. If they gain weight and can’t fit into their clothes, they don’t go out and buy bigger clothes. Thin people stop weight gain in its tracks and lose the extra pounds so they can fit back into their original clothing. As I mentioned, thin people don’t allow themselves to gain extra unwanted weight because thin people are always in control of their weight.

If you are serious about losing weight then start eating healthier meals, adopt a moderate weight loss workout plan, and set a maximum weight limit for yourself in order to STOP gaining weight.

Follow these 7 secrets of thin people and you too will learn how to get thin and stay thin as part of a healthier body and lifestyle.

Here's 5 More Secrets of Thin People!

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