My Food Diary


Diets Don't Work!

4 Real Reasons Why Diets Don't Work

Reason #1: Diets are too Restrictive
At first you may be hopeful about starting a new weight loss diet plan, but soon realize that your diet plan is too restrictive that makes sticking to your diet somewhat of a challenge. For example, with the Atkins Diet carbohydrates are a big no-no. On a low calorie diet, your food intake is so low that you feel hungry all the time. With the 3-Day Diet (also a fad diet), you have to follow the diet plan exactly to the point of starvation. Sure you can possibly lose weight being on one of these restrictive diets, but once you are off the diet and return to your old eating habits, you suddenly gain back all the weight you lost and then some. So what do people actually achieve with being on a restrictive diet? Nothing, because these types of diets don’t teach people how to eat healthy as a new way of life. Eating healthier to lose weight and stay thin this are well known secrets of thin people.

Reason #2: Diets Can Cause People to Lose too Much Weight too Fast
Fad diets like the 3-Day Diet claim you can lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days if you meticulously follow through the strict regimen precisely. Sounds great to most dieters, but rapid weight loss in a short period of time is really not that good for your health; especially if you continue on such diet plans for added extreme weight loss. Again, once you stop the dieting without making any real changes to your eating habits, the weight you lost can possibly come back. Besides, one does not gain 10-20 pounds in a week, so how can one expect to lose that much weight within the same time frame? Not very realistic is it?

Reason #3: Diet Plans Work Differently for Different People
I once had an overweight friend who lost over 50 pounds on the Atkins diet and I will have to say that she looked AMAZING! On the other hand, one of my other overweight friends tried the same diet and she barely lost 5 pounds, let alone stick with the Atkins diet because she found the diet plan too restrictive. As expected, she gave up on the Atkins diet and tried to do some other diet plan which of course, she never lost any real significant weight. See the problem with many of these popular and fad diets and why diets don't work? They have a one-size-fit-all system of losing weight that’s expected to work for everyone. While a weight loss diet plan may work for you, that same diet plan may not work for your best friend or even your sister. In the long run, my friend that lost the 50 pounds eventually gained back all the weight within 6 months. My other overweight friend, well…she’s on an endless cycle of yo-yo diets and is still overweight.

Reason # 4: Dieting Requires Drastic Changes in your Eating Habits
Making drastic changes to your eating habits is by far the main reason why diets don’t work. For one, people have to get themselves out of the mind frame that they have to “diet” in order to lose weight. Once more, and I will say it again, if people are not going to adhere to their new diet plan as a permanent lifestyle, dieting simply won’t work. In order to be successful at losing weight people have to: 1) change their eating habits by eating healthier meals 2) integrate a
weight loss workout plan into their daily lives

Learning to change your eating habits as part of a healthy lifestyle is something that has to be done with commitment. What’s more, if you think rapid weight loss in a short period of time is realistic, then right there that should tell you that no diet will ever work for you and you will have set yourself up for failure. Therefore, your goal should be to lose 1-2 pounds per week and learn how to eat healthier meals. Now...if you have over 30 pounds or more to lose then the idea of losing 1 or 2 pounds per week may seem daunting. However, if you stick with it and lose the weight gradually, not only will you be successful at meeting your weight loss goals, but you will be successful at keeping the weight off long term.

Good luck!

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